
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Master of mechanical engineering, with honors.

What's interesting, my graduation project was about the development and assembly of a 3D scanner using Arduino motherboard, which used C++ based language, to measure surface wear. Through this project, I learned how to solve tasks using an engineering approach and meet the programming the second time (the first was at the required course).

Technical stack


It wasn't that long ago I understood, that I could be a web developer: I have an engineering background, I've faced some programming languages and I love to solve long-term challenging tasks. So, after realizing that I just started to make a plan for how to dive into the web and improve my skills. I've already been learning it for half of a year and there you can see some results on this page. Currently, I'm learning React in combination with TypeScript. You'll see results in my meditation app which is coming soon.

Some projects

CV website
Technologies used: html css js

Todo list
Technologies used: html css js

Meditation app
Technologies used: React